Monday, June 2, 2008


That has been my mood all week! So much has happened since I posted last but I just haven't felt like doing much of anything this past week, especially blogging.

I still don't but, oh well, here goes! The last time I posted anything was a week ago today so if you look at last weeks post you'll probably be able to guess that Shiloh had Gymboree today! Woo hoo...that's my attempt at being excited! Really though, she had another fun class. We met two new babies today, Addison and Ethan. So cute! This was Shiloh's second class this week. During the summer they run a special where you can bring your child to as many classes as you want for their age group without paying anything extra. Since it's so hot they figure we don't want to spend a lot of time outside (which is true, at least for me) so we go there instead of playing outside! So yesterday we went to an afternoon class. Shiloh had tons of fun at that one because it was just her and Ashlyn (most all of the babies seem to go to the thursday class) and since there were only two babies they got to do a couple extra things that we don't do on her normal day. Fun Fun!

Backtracking to this past weekend now, our friends Brittany and AJ got married!! Thursday night was the bachelor/bachelorette parties. The girls went out to Atlanta to a pole-a-tease class. It sounded like they had an awesome time. I was not able to go because Shiloh was constipated and screaming her head off . Instead we stayed home where the bachelor party was being held! Fortunately Shiloh is a heavy sleeper so she slept through it all. Overall, it sounded like both parties went well and everyone had a great time! On to friday, Shiloh and I met up with Brittany and the rest of the bridesmaids/flower girl and got our nails done (thanks again Brittany) and then went to Panera for some lunch! After that Shiloh and I went to run some errands and then get ready for the rehearsal that night!

The wedding Saturday was beautiful. Brittany look absolutely perfect in her dress and AJ looked so handsome in his tux....Rich did too, by the way :) One of my favorite memories from the day is definitely the limo rides! Brittany splurged and rented a stretch Hummer limo to drive us from the hair salon to the church and then from the church to the reception. I've never been in a limo before so that was absolutely awesome for me! Great day overall! And now the happy couple is having the time of their lives, I'm sure, on their 7 day carribean cruise! I can't wait to hear all about it when they return!

Sunday was a day of rest and relaxation for us. Oh, wait, one more thing about Saturday. That was Shiloh's first experience with a babysitter! She was wonderful!! I was so nervous that I had ruined her for babysitters by being a stay at home mom with no family member nearby to watch her every now and then. Erin said she did great and just got fussy and couple times when she was tired! It's such a relief to know that I can leave her with someone for a few hours (she was with Erin for 8 1/2 hrs) and she won't be traumatized! Ok, back to Sunday. We got up and went to IHOP for breakast and then ran a few errands (returning tuxes, picking up a couple dress Britt left at her hotel, etc). We then spent the afternoon/evening resting. We were both pretty exhausted after Saturday. Also, Shiloh turned 8 months old on Sunday!!! I can't believe we have less than 4 months until she is 1 year old! It is really starting to go by too fast now! I've stopped daydreaming about what she'll be like/how fun she'll be as a toddler and started just taking every moment in that I have left with her as a baby!!

I think that's about all the catching up I had to do. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty quiet for us....except for the two Penguins games...sad, sad, sad!

Shiloh's 8 Month Pictures!

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